Non US Customers: Please note that the prices listed in our shop are free of import charges (duties and other taxes or fees) imposed on these products by your specific country. If required, it is your responsibility to pay such charges when you receive the shipment.


ANNOUNCEMENT: Shipping to Spain Unavailable (Envío a España No Disponible): Dear customers, we have encountered an unprecedented number of delivery issues caused by the inconsistency of the customs processing in Spain. We thrive to serve our customers well and the above does not allow us to keep our high service standards. Therefore, and with deep regret, we are currently unable to take new orders that will ship to Spain. We are looking into a solution, and we will resume our service to our Spanish clients at that time. If you would like to be informed of when we can ship again, please sign up here for an update. At this moment all other EU countries will continue to be served.